WMU Library encourages you to take part in a contest held by IBUK Libra entitled “AND WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR YOUR LIBRARY?”
To participate you need to design an artwork entitled “IBUK LIBRA AND ME” according to one of three possible techniques and send it to: konkurs@pwn.pl.
You can take a photo, create an image or record a video up to 30 seconds long.
The winner will be awarded books by PWN worth up to 200 PLN. Additionally, the winner can indicate one library that subscribes to IBUK Libra – the library will receive books by PWN worth up to 300 PLN as well as a set of 40 mouse mats. The jury will award 6 libraries!!!
For detailed information and rules go to: https://konkursy.pwn.pl/
Submit your works by 26 May 2021.
The results will be announced no later than 31 May 2021.