Polish Platform of Medical Research database has replaced the previous system “Bibliography of Publications of WMU Employees”. WMU employees and PhD students are obliged to keep reporting publications whose publishing process has ended, to control the correctness and completeness of data on their own achievements and data visible in their profile. Registration of publications and doctorates is handled by the Bibliography and Bibliometrics Department of the WMU Library.
Publications should be submitted to: bibliografia@umw.edu.pl (tel. 71 784 19 03).
Based on the PPM-UMW database, lists of publications are generated for individual employee evaluations and annual reports of PhD students. Data from the database are used in the annual internal evaluation of university units, on the basis of which funds for statutory activities are distributed. They are also the basis for preparing data for the University’s evaluation – data on publications are transferred to the Polish Scientific Bibliography (a module of the POL-on Integrated System of Information on Science and Higher Education).
Lists for evaluations of achievements
The Library prepares an evaluation of publication output both for candidates for the postdoctoral degree and the title of professor.
Publication scores are prepared on the basis of lists of publications compiled from the WMU Polish Platform of Medical Research database or on the basis of a list of publications provided by the author (in the case of individuals from outside the University or employees with incomplete achievements in repository PPM).
Requests for listing and/or scoring should be sent to the Bibliography and Bibliometrics Department – bibliografia@umw.edu.pl (tel. 71 784 19 25, 71 784 19 03), with detailed information on what purposes the listing and scoring are needed for.
Employees of the Faculty of Pharmacy can also place orders directly at the departmental library – The Library of the Faculty of Pharmacy (Branch No. 1), email: biblfarm@umw.edu.pl